Wildegg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Discover Wildegg Castle as a group. During the tour you will get to know the former residen

Habsburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and special offers for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and

Hallwyl Castle

Guided tours for groups

Hallwyl Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Hallwyl Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and worksh

Vindonissa Legionary Trail

Tours for schools

The Vindonissa Legionary Trail offers guided tours, play tours and overnight stays in Roman-style accommodation for schools and kindergartens. Some of the offers can be booked in English on request. I

Königsfelden Abbey

Tours for schools

Königsfelden Abbey offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Königsfelden Abbey as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided

Lenzburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Lenzburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Lenzburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and work

Lenzburg Castle

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Wildegg Castle

Tours for schools

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Agile birds of prey, healing herbal ointments and talkative castle maids: Wildegg Castle i

Habsburg Castle

Tours for schools

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours

Habsburg Castle


Getting here Arriving by car We generally recommend arriving by car. The steeply sloping access to the castle courtyard is closed off with a barrier. Visitors with reduced mobility may enter the court

Das Amphitheater Legionärspfad im Sonnenlicht mit viel Grün

Roman sites

Amphitheatre (Amphitheatrum)

Amphitheatre (Amphitheatrum)

An amphitheatre was an integral element of all larger-scale settlements in ancient Rome. In view of the tough day-to-day life of a legionary, entertainment was especially important: the amphitheatre of Vindonissa is the oldest in Switzerland. This roman site can be visited without museum admission.

The amphitheatre of Vindonissa is the oldest in Switzerland. It was erected by the 13th legion, initially being made of wood. After a fire, the 21st legion replaced it with the stone structure that survives today. The seating area (cavea) had a capacity of some 11,000 spectators while the oval arena in the centre measured 64x52 metres - the largest of the seven known amphitheatres on Swiss territory.

The amphitheatre was a Roman invention that was widespread in the provinces and is regarded as the ultimate symbol of Roman culture.

Animal hunting and slaying (venationes) and gladiator duels (munera) were presented to the audience in the arena. The gladiators in particular were highly popular, with real fan communities forming among spectators. Due to their huge popularity among the people, the games were also of political interest to the organisers: popular support could be gained by investing in the games, so no expense was spared when it came to the gladiator pairings. Exotic animals were a particular highlight, too: a possible indication here is the foot bone of a camel that was found at Vindonissa.

Since the legionaries liked to be entertained during their free time, too, amphitheatres were virtually a standard feature of legionary camps. Like the troops' parade ground (campus), an amphitheatre would have been situated outside the camp. The first excavations in the amphitheatre at Vindonissa were carried out as long ago as 1897. The structure has been in the possession of the Swiss Confederation since 1898. If you stand in the arena and looked up at the spectator terraces, you can almost sense the excitement and noise even today.

The amphitheatre of Vindonissa can be visited without museum admission.