Wildegg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Discover Wildegg Castle as a group. During the tour you will get to know the former residen

Habsburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and special offers for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and

Hallwyl Castle

Guided tours for groups

Hallwyl Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Hallwyl Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and worksh

Vindonissa Legionary Trail

Tours for schools

The Vindonissa Legionary Trail offers guided tours, play tours and overnight stays in Roman-style accommodation for schools and kindergartens. Some of the offers can be booked in English on request. I

Königsfelden Abbey

Tours for schools

Königsfelden Abbey offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Königsfelden Abbey as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided

Lenzburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Lenzburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Lenzburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and work

Lenzburg Castle

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Wildegg Castle

Tours for schools

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Agile birds of prey, healing herbal ointments and talkative castle maids: Wildegg Castle i

Habsburg Castle

Tours for schools

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours

Habsburg Castle


Getting here Arriving by car We generally recommend arriving by car. The steeply sloping access to the castle courtyard is closed off with a barrier. Visitors with reduced mobility may enter the court



Kitchen garden and pleasure garden

Take a stroll through the 3,300-square-metre kitchen garden and pleasure garden with its old crop plants and rare vegetables. The historic vegetable cellar gives an interactive insight into the history of the garden and the work of ProSpecieRara.

Kitchen garden and pleasure garden: rare variety

The combined kitchen garden and pleasure garden at Wildegg Castle is the perfect place to stroll, smell the scents and marvel at the flora. Old, barely remembered vegetable varieties grow in the borders, while the flowers and shrubs fill the air with their fragrances.

In collaboration with ProSpecieRara, old varieties such as the purple artichoke, skirret and tree onion are cultivated here. Stroll through the garden and appreciate the plant diversity of the 18th century!

Vegetable cellar: a word with gardener Bruno

In the historic vaulted cellar, where tools were once stored and plants wintered, you will now meet Julie von Effinger. In her talking portrait, the last lady of the castle discusses the latest developments in the castle garden with gardener Bruno. The vegetable cellar also showcases the work of the ProSpecieRara Foundation, which cultivates and propagates rare vegetable and ornamental plant varieties in the kitchen garden and pleasure garden.


Wunderschöne Blumenaufnahme im Rosengarten Wildegg
Besucherinnen bedeckt mit grünen Blättern auf dem Schlossgarten Wildegg
Besucherin löst das Rätsel mit ihrem Sohn im Gemüsekeller auf Schloss Wildegg
Die Magd posiert mit ihrem Korb (Ernte) vor dem Schlossgarten Wildegg
Nahaufnahme von Blumen und verschwommen im Hintergrund Besucher*innen
Weissrote Tulpen im Schlossgarten Wildegg
Besucherin im abgedunkelten Gemüsekeller schaut das belichtete Saatgut an
Zwei Besucherinnen lächelnd im Schlossgarten
Aufgeblühte, bunte Blumen (mehrheitlich Tulpen) im Schlossgarten Wildegg
Das sprechende Portrait erzählt über die Geschichte des Gartens auf schloss Wildegg während die Besucherin zuhört