Wildegg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Discover Wildegg Castle as a group. During the tour you will get to know the former residen

Habsburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and special offers for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and

Hallwyl Castle

Guided tours for groups

Hallwyl Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Hallwyl Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and worksh

Vindonissa Legionary Trail

Tours for schools

The Vindonissa Legionary Trail offers guided tours, play tours and overnight stays in Roman-style accommodation for schools and kindergartens. Some of the offers can be booked in English on request. I

Königsfelden Abbey

Tours for schools

Königsfelden Abbey offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Königsfelden Abbey as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided

Lenzburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Lenzburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Lenzburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and work

Lenzburg Castle

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Wildegg Castle

Tours for schools

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Agile birds of prey, healing herbal ointments and talkative castle maids: Wildegg Castle i

Habsburg Castle

Tours for schools

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours

Habsburg Castle


Getting here Arriving by car We generally recommend arriving by car. The steeply sloping access to the castle courtyard is closed off with a barrier. Visitors with reduced mobility may enter the court

Spotlights auf die antiken römischen Bäder im Legionärspfad Vindonissa

Roman sites

Baths (Balneum)

Baths (Balneum)

Public baths were among the basic facilities in any Roman settlement. In Vindonissa there even used to be a legionary bathhouse inside the camp, though this no longer exists. The baths belonging to the civil settlement can still be accessed today. It can be visited with museum admission.

The bathhouse is part of a larger-scale complex outside the legionary camp. It was a public facility which could be used by residents and travellers on payment of a fee. The bathhouse is divided into cold, warm and hot bathing rooms. The Romans used an ingenious system to heat the floors and walls which was called the hypocaust. Remains of the system are clearly visible as are the baths themselves, which were filled with warm water and emptied via stone drains.

The well-preserved colour wall paintings are a particularly attractive feature, dating back around 2,000 years. Today the bathhouse can be explored in hands-on fashion by visitors to the Legionary Trail and has been enhanced with lighting, fragrances and an exclusive "thermal finger bath".

A visit to the baths was part of the Romans' everyday routine. They would meet, chat and relax as well as taking care of their personal hygiene. There were also sporting activities and massages with aromatic oils. In order to guarantee smooth operation of the baths to ensure basic hygiene, a functioning system of fresh water supply and effluent drainage was required, as well as sufficient fuel to heat the rooms and the baths themselves.

Bathing guests were looking for a pleasurable experience, so Roman baths were often decorated with elaborate paintings, sculptures and monumental basins. The large bathhouse inside the legionary camp (thermae legionis) was much more lavishly equipped than the small bathhouse outside (balneum). Nothing remains of the larger facility today, but parts of its luxurious fittings can be viewed at the Vindonissa Museum.

The baths can be visited with museum admission.