History A king's murder and the foundation of the monastery The German King Albrecht I fell victim to a conflict within the Habsburg family on May 1st 1308. His nephew Johann felt cheated out of his i
The depots and archives now contain hundreds of thousands of items and archaeological information that sheds light on the world of the Romans in Vindonissa. Some of this treasure trove is now on show
In this data protection declaration , we provide information on which personal data we process in connection with our activities and operations , including our museumaargau.ch website . In particular,
Organisation Kanton Aargau Departement Bildung Kultur und Sport Museum Aargau Effingerweg 6 CH-5103 Wildegg Tel: 0848 871 200 Email: museumaargau(at)ag.ch
Immerse yourself in the world of Switzerland's only Roman legionary camp on the Vindonissa Legionary Trail! The Roman adventure park offers tours, a chance to spend the night in Roman-style accommodation, guided tours, events and much more.