The Museum Aargau Collection has been assembled from various holdings since 1830. It consists of bequests from Aargau's castles and monasteries, numerous donations, objects acquired from company archi
The Egliswil Collection Centre is not open to the public. From February to December a public guided tour takes place on the first Tuesday of each month. Event calendar (in German) Contact +41 (0)848 8
Directions to Vindonissa Legionary Trail Address Legionärspfad Vindonissa – Museum Aargau Königsfelderstrasse 265 5210 Windisch Tel. 0848 871 200 Contact Arrival by public transport and car Arriving b
The bathhouse is part of a larger-scale complex outside the legionary camp. It was a public facility which could be used by residents and travellers on payment of a fee. The bathhouse is divided into
At the Vindonissa Museum in Brugg, pupils can experience Roman history at first hand. The guided tours and other offers can be booked in English on request Turn archaeologist, discover small treasures
Directions to Hallwyl Castle Address Schloss Hallwyl – Museum Aargau 5707 Seengen Tel. 0848 871 200 Contact Arrival by public transport and car Arriving by train and bus From Lenzburg railway station,
The Vindonissa Museum offers great attractions for children: discover Roman history, turn archaeologist and solve tricky puzzles! The Vindonissa Museum in Brugg is an exciting destination for families
Museum Aargau
MUSEUM SITES IN VINDONISSA Vindonissa Legionary Trail The Roman adventure park offers play/theme tours, events, roman overnight stays, guided tours and much more. Vindonissa Museum The Vindonissa Muse
Address Kloster Königsfelden – Museum Aargau 5210 Windisch Tel. 0848 871 200 Contact Organisation Museum Aargau Management Member Contact Dr. Marco Sigg Director E-Mail Dr. Angela Dettling Deputy Dire