Wildegg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Wildegg Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Discover Wildegg Castle as a group. During the tour you will get to know the former residen

Hallwyl Castle

Guided tours for groups

Hallwyl Castle offers guided tours and workshops for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Hallwyl Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and worksh

Königsfelden Abbey

Tours for schools

Königsfelden Abbey offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Königsfelden Abbey as a school class. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided

Vindonissa Legionary Trail

Tours for schools

The Vindonissa Legionary Trail offers guided tours, play tours and overnight stays in Roman-style accommodation for schools and kindergartens. Some of the offers can be booked in English on request. I

Habsburg Castle

Guided tours for groups

Habsburg Castle offers guided tours and special offers for groups. These can also be booked in English on request. Experience Habsburg Castle in a group. Museum Aargau offers numerous guided tours and

Wettingen Abbey

Tours for schools

Wettingen Abbey offers guided tours and workshops for schools. These can also be booked in English on request. Offers for schools (in German) Contact +41 (0)848 871 200 Send a message Telephone availa

Lenzburg Castle

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Vindonissa Museum


Getting here Arriving by car Parking spaces for people with reduced mobility are available at the Eisi multi-storey car park in the centre of Brugg. The short distance to the Vindonissa Museum is flat

Vindonissa Museum

Archaeological research

The depots and archives now contain hundreds of thousands of items and archaeological information that sheds light on the world of the Romans in Vindonissa. Some of this treasure trove is now on show

Egliswil Collection Centre

The Collection

The Museum Aargau Collection has been assembled from various holdings since 1830. It consists of bequests from Aargau's castles and monasteries, numerous donations, objects acquired from company archi



Children's area and stables

Wildegg Castle is a paradise for families: children can play and paint in the castle barn, or saddle up the horses in the stables!

Children's area: books, games and billiards

There's never a dull moment in the children's area at Wildegg Castle! Here, kids can dress up as knights, set the table in the children's castle, browse through books on the elegant sofa or try out old games. They can even play a game of billiards – just as the residents of Wildegg Castle once did.

Stables: saddle up the horses!

In the old stables, Albert von Effinger talks to his favourite horse, while his hunting dog gives a running commentary! The wooden horses are waiting to be fed and groomed. In this exhibition, children learn what horses like to eat, how they were used in the past – and can even meet a talking horse. Sit side-saddle yourself, climb aboard the carriage, or race for the finishing line as a jockey!


Vater und Sohn spielen in der Kinderstube mit Holzschwertern auf Schloss Wildegg
Mutter bastelt mit den Kindern im Pferdestall
Mädchen hört mit dem Rücken gewandt und Kopfhörern in der Kinderstube gespannt zu auf Schloss Wildegg